Betekenis van:
unfamiliar with

unfamiliar with
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • having little or no knowledge of



    1. I am unfamiliar with the customs of this country.
    2. Being unfamiliar with foreign languages, you'll never be able to understand the foreigner's silence.
    3. Male animals are hostile to, and will fight vigorously with, unfamiliar males during the breeding season.
    4. The private investors asked to participate as a partner were unfamiliar with the modus operandi and approach of the activities suggested by SGN [8].
    5. If pigs unfamiliar with one another have to be mixed, this should be done at as young an age as possible, preferably before or up to one week after weaning.
    6. This is deemed necessary because of the wide range of hazardous waste presented and the fact that those presenting the waste (private citizens) are unfamiliar with the danger level involved.
    7. The private investors asked to participate as a partner were unfamiliar with the modus operandi and approach of the activities suggested by SGN [8]. In the end this was too great an uncertainty for these private investors and they chose not to invest in the limited partnership.